Reviewer Guidelines
Thank you for agreeing to review for SPJP Proceedings. As a reviewer, your role is vital in upholding the quality and integrity of the journal. Please follow these guidelines to ensure a thorough and unbiased evaluation of submitted manuscripts:
Confidentiality: Treat all manuscripts as confidential. Do not share or discuss the content of the submission with anyone outside of the review process.
Conflict of Interest: Before accepting the review assignment, disclose any potential conflicts of interest, such as financial, personal, or professional relationships with the authors. If you have any conflicts, please decline the review to maintain objectivity.
Timeliness: Complete your review within the allotted time to help maintain the journal's publication schedule. If you are unable to meet the deadline, inform the editor as early as possible.
Evaluation Criteria: Assess the manuscript based on the following factors:
- Relevance: Does the paper fit the scope of SPJP Proceedings?
- Originality: Is the research new and does it provide valuable contributions to the field?
- Methodology: Are the methods used appropriate and well-executed?
- Results and Discussion: Are the results clearly presented and interpreted in the context of existing research?
- Clarity and Structure: Is the manuscript well-organized, easy to read, and free from errors?
Constructive Feedback: Provide specific, actionable feedback to help the authors improve their manuscript. Highlight both the strengths and weaknesses of the paper.
Ethical Considerations: Ensure that the research adheres to ethical guidelines, such as proper citation practices, informed consent, and the ethical treatment of research subjects.
Recommendation: Based on your review, recommend one of the following outcomes:
- Accept: The manuscript is suitable for publication without further revisions.
- Minor Revisions: The manuscript requires small changes before it can be published.
- Major Revisions: The manuscript needs substantial revisions and may be reconsidered after resubmission.
- Reject: The manuscript does not meet the journal’s standards for publication.
Anonymity: Keep the review process anonymous by avoiding any identifying comments about yourself or the authors.
Thank you for your essential contribution to the SPJP Proceedings. Your expertise helps ensure that we maintain the highest standards of research publication.