Publication Ethics

The SPJP Proceedings is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of publication ethics and integrity. Our policies are based on the principles outlined in the Code of Conduct and Best Publishing Practices in scientific research. These standards aim to ensure the reliability, credibility, and ethical integrity of all research published in our journal.


Plagiarism, defined as the representation of others' ideas or work as one's own, is strictly prohibited. This includes:

  • External Plagiarism: Using someone else's work without appropriate citation.
  • Self-Plagiarism: Reusing an author’s own previously published work without proper citation. To maintain academic integrity, we use iThenticate software to detect and prevent plagiarism. Authors are required to ensure their work is original and appropriately cited.

Peer Review

SPJP Proceedings follows a robust double-blind peer review process to maintain impartiality. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two independent experts in the relevant field. Key points include:

  • Blind Review: Both authors and reviewers remain anonymous to avoid bias in the evaluation process.
  • Review Duration: The review process generally takes 4-8 weeks, after which the author will receive the final decision.
  • Revised Submissions: Manuscripts that require revisions are treated as new submissions and may go through additional rounds of review. Reviewers are expected to provide detailed, constructive feedback that will help authors improve their work.

Conflicts of Interest

Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the research or its interpretation. These include:

  • Financial Interests: Employment, consulting, patents, honoraria, or financial support.
  • Non-Financial Interests: Personal, academic, or ideological conflicts. For research funded by industry, authors must provide a clear declaration of the funder's role in the study. If no conflict of interest exists, authors must explicitly state that the funders did not influence the design, conduct, or reporting of the study.

Patient Consent Forms

For research involving human participants, authors must provide informed consent. This form should outline:

  • Purpose: The study's aims.
  • Methods: The procedures followed during the research.
  • Risks and Benefits: The potential risks and benefits to participants.
  • Alternatives: Other options available to participants. A statement confirming informed consent must be included in the Materials and Methods section of the manuscript. Editors may request copies of consent forms if necessary.

Ethics Committee Permission

Research involving human or animal subjects must include proof of ethical approval:

  • Human Studies: Manuscripts must include approval from an Institutional Review Board (IRB), including the IRB number and relevant protocol details.
  • Animal Studies: Manuscripts must show approval from the Institutional Committee on Animal Ethics. This ensures that the research adheres to ethical standards and protects the welfare of subjects involved.

Editorial Responsibilities

Editors are responsible for:

  • Decision-Making: Accepting, rejecting, or requesting revisions based on the manuscript’s significance, originality, and relevance to the journal’s scope.
  • Confidentiality: Ensuring that all information regarding the manuscript is kept confidential.
  • Conflict of Interest: Disclosing and managing any potential conflicts of interest to prevent bias in the decision-making process.
  • Editorial Integrity: Making decisions based solely on the intellectual content of the manuscript, without regard to the authors' personal characteristics.

Authors' Responsibilities

Authors must:

  • Follow Submission Guidelines: Adhere to the journal’s formatting and submission rules.
  • Ensure Originality: Confirm that the manuscript is original, not previously published, and properly cited.
  • Declare Conflicts of Interest: Disclose any financial or personal conflicts of interest.
  • Correct Errors: Promptly address and correct any substantial errors or inaccuracies found during the review or publication process.

Reviewers' Guidelines

Reviewers should:

  • Assess Manuscripts: Evaluate submissions based on originality, scientific quality, relevance, and interest to the journal’s readership.
  • Disclose Conflicts of Interest: Report any potential conflicts of interest that may affect the review.
  • Maintain Confidentiality: Keep all details of the manuscript confidential and avoid disclosing their identity to the authors.
  • Provide Constructive Feedback: Offer specific and actionable comments to help authors improve their work.

Publisher Responsibilities

The publisher is responsible for:

  • Supporting the Editorial Process: Assisting the editor and editorial board in maintaining publication standards.
  • Publishing Corrections: Issuing corrections, clarifications, and retractions when necessary to maintain the accuracy of the academic record.
  • Preserving Research: Ensuring the long-term availability and preservation of published articles.
  • Adhering to Best Practices: Following ethical standards and best practices throughout the publishing process.


  • Duplicate Submissions: If a manuscript is found to be submitted to multiple journals simultaneously, the review process will be terminated, and the author will be banned from submitting to the journal for 1-2 years.
  • Duplicate Publication: If intentional duplicate publications are detected, they will be investigated, and appropriate actions will be taken, including potential retraction or reporting to relevant authorities.

By adhering to these publication ethics, SPJP Proceedings aims to promote transparency, accountability, and trust in the academic publishing process, ensuring the integrity of research published within the journal.